Top-notch safety training delivered by experts
Our instructor-led seminars encourage every employee in your company to place safety on the same level as quality, production and profitability.
Motivational Courses
Supervisory Training
Confined Space

Motivational Courses
- Safety Awareness Training (Two-Part)
- Off The Job Safety
- Safety Dialogues Workshop
- Complacency The Silent Killer
Struggling to get your employees to buy into your safety program? It’s all about why to be safe, not how to be safe. This proven, highly interactive training session motivates employees to change their attitudes towards safety – from feeling they “have to” be safe to feeling they “want to” be safe. These changed attitudes form the heart of an effective company safety culture. More than 500,000 workers, managers and executives have experienced this course, with companies reporting it drove improved safety results and increased employee participation in safety initiatives.
The session can be customized to fit your business needs on issues such as lock-out/tag-out, fall protection, permit-required confined spaces, and personal protective equipment.
The majority of total injury costs for companies are incurred from off-the-job accidents, and are reflected in higher health insurance premiums, lost time, overtime, training for replacements and other costs. Each participant in this course will engage in group discussions, class exercises and see short videos that drive home the importance of safety 24-7-365.
Topics covered include:
Types of injuries occurring
Driving safety – text messaging, speeding and using safety devices
Home safety – Hazard identification inspections, evacuations plans and alarm systems,
Sporting and recreational injury prevention
Ergonomics at home – preventing back injuries
The use of personal protective equipment at home
This training provides the tools to enable managers, supervisors, HR professionals and other leaders to influence the safety attitudes of employees and their resulting decisions and actions.
Topics include:
The intent of contacts with employees
Who should be contacted
Preparation required for a successful contact
How to create value for the employee and organization during the contact
Appropriate length of contact
Techniques for measuring the contact’s success
Topics can be customized to the organization.
Complacency the Silent Killer
This training focuses on how we become complacent about safety on and off the job, and what can be done about it. It is designed for front-line employees, managers, supervisors and HR professionals, and underscores how participant attitudes influence their decisions and actions on safety and health.
The training includes:
Digital pictures from work environments
Videos: 1-2 minutes snap-shots of unwise decisions
Exercise: Passing the basketball
Exercise: Optical illusions
Supervisory Training
- Supervisory Training (20 Hours)
- Supervisory Training (40 Hours)
- Incident & Near-Miss Investigation Workshop
- Interpersonal Communication Workshop
Struggling to get your employees to buy into your safety program? It’s all about why to be safe, not how to be safe. This proven, highly interactive training session motivates employees to change their attitudes towards safety – from feeling they “have to” be safe to feeling they “want to” be safe. These changed attitudes form the heart of an effective company safety culture. More than 500,000 workers, managers and executives have experienced this course, with companies reporting it drove improved safety results and increased employee participation in safety initiatives.
The session can be customized to fit your business needs on issues such as lock-out/tag-out, fall protection, permit-required confined spaces, and personal protective equipment.
This course drives more effective performance by managers and supervisors in improving safety and health results. The course includes all content from our 20-hour course, plus the full OSHA 10-Hour training with each participant receiving an OSHA wallet-size card upon successful completion.
Participants also take part in an inspection tour of the facility in which they work to identify, evaluate, and abate potential hazards.
This training is for managers, supervisors, and safety staff members responsible for investigating near-miss and personal injury accidents.
Topics include:
Leadership’s role in incident prevention
Nature, causes, and results of accidents
Gathering information – position, people, and paper evidence
Witness interview techniques
Root cause analysis
Video – Incident investigation and analysis
Participants learn to evaluate and qualitatively measure previously completed incident reports.
This training highlights how leadership can influence the development of positive cultural values around safety, health, and the well-being of employees. The general principles taught are: Building respect/self-esteem, focusing on employee actions taken, showing appreciation, active listening, and following through on commitments.
Communication skills that will be enhanced:
Utilizing the 5 general principles of successful communications
Delivering positive, reinforcing, and motivating communications
Coaching team members on issues or performance problems
Explaining/assigning tasks
Conducting effective safety talks, tool box meetings or general group meetings
Compliance Training
EM 385 Required Fall Protection Training (24 hours)
This course is designed for project management, supervisors, foremen, and anyone involved with work at height, and meets the requirement of “Competent Person” training as defined by the US Army Corps of Engineers, EM385 standard.
EM 385 Required Fall Protection Awareness (4 Hours)
This introductory course is designed for employees who are regularly required to work at height.
EM 385 Required Authorized Person for Safety at Heights
This course is designed for the fall protection equipment user, or at-risk worker, as well as their supervisors or manager, and the safety professional.
This training is designed for maintenance personnel, the engineering group and those who have facility responsibilities for the grounds, buildings and roadways. It provides a fundamental component for competent person training. Training is hands-on and interactive through classroom demonstrations, lab work and instructor-led discussions.
Topics include:
Soil classification
Slope protective systems
Soil mechanics theory
Fall protection
Hazard awareness
Job inspection /checklists
OSHA’s most-often-cited excavation standards
Vocabulary terms such as “unconfined compressive strength” and “shear strength” will be compared and contrasted as will “competent” and “qualified” person
Trench rescue techniques
This training is for managers, supervisors, and safety staff members responsible for investigating near-miss and personal injury accidents.
Topics include:
Leadership’s role in incident prevention
Nature, causes, and results of accidents
Gathering information – position, people, and paper evidence
Witness interview techniques
Root cause analysis
Video – Incident investigation and analysis
Participants learn to evaluate and qualitatively measure previously completed incident reports.
This training highlights how leadership can influence the development of positive cultural values around safety, health, and the well-being of employees. The general principles taught are: Building respect/self-esteem, focusing on employee actions taken, showing appreciation, active listening, and following through on commitments.
Communication skills that will be enhanced:
Utilizing the 5 general principles of successful communications
Delivering positive, reinforcing, and motivating communications
Coaching team members on issues or performance problems
Explaining/assigning tasks
Conducting effective safety talks, tool box meetings or general group meetings
Confined Space Training
- OSHA Confined Space Entry Workshop
- Confined Space "Train The Trainer"
- Confined Space: Competent Person
- Confined Space: Basic Rope Rigging & Rescue
Struggling to get your employees to buy into your safety program? It’s all about why to be safe, not how to be safe. This proven, highly interactive training session motivates employees to change their attitudes towards safety – from feeling they “have to” be safe to feeling they “want to” be safe. These changed attitudes form the heart of an effective company safety culture. More than 500,000 workers, managers and executives have experienced this course, with companies reporting it drove improved safety results and increased employee participation in safety initiatives.
The session can be customized to fit your business needs on issues such as lock-out/tag-out, fall protection, permit-required confined spaces, and personal protective equipment.
This training prepares employees to lead and select confined space courses at your facility. Topics include:
Regulatory implications of OSHA 1910 General Industry and 1926 Construction
ANSI standards
Assessment and identification of confined spaces – related hazards
Governmental analysis criteria
Confined space entry program development
Recommended safety measures to follow for routine entries as well as equipment needed and basic technical knowledge
Confined space training program educational material development and lesson plans
Rescue practice utilizing common entry/rescue equipment
Review, assessment and guidance of student instructors for proficiency in teaching core content related to the topic of confined space entry
This course is technical in nature, comprehensive, performance-based and instructed by a trained and certified professional instructor. It incorporates information and skills required by all applicable regulatory bodies. This training is recommended for those individuals who are identified to perform work in or around confined spaces, such as confined space supervisors, confined space attendants and confined space entrants.
This training is designed for those who supervise, manage, enter, attend, and perform rescue in a permit-required confined space. The class is designed to teach rescue team members the basics of rope theory and use, and is primarily hands-on.
Topics include:
Utilizing pulleys and rope to create mechanical advantage
System knots used in constructing a “Z-Rig” haul system
Demonstration of the construction of a haul system
Participate will participate in a re-creation. Training includes a practice session in which participants are given a scenario of a downed worker inside a confined space and asked to perform a rope rescue utilizing the tools and techniques that have been demonstrated to them.