Start Improving Your Safety Culture

One Philosophy

Shortcuts are made for one of two reasons: to save time or increase comfort . Our program motivates participants to gain a sense of accountability, while viewing safety as a value in their lives.

Focusing On The Why

Our 8-Hour Safety Awareness Training course leads employees on a journey of
self-reflection and realizations on why safety matters, resulting in a better appreciation and practice of workplace safety.

Changing Lives

Each of our courses is interactive, easily understood and highly motivational. All of our courses are delivered by qualified and sincere instructors, increasing awareness of why working safely is so important.

A Word From Our Customers

“FDRsafety helps unlock the mystery around creating a great safety culture and enables all employees to see their active role in the journey. Their training message has helped three of my companies over the last 20 years see that the magic is in taking care of their people and encouraging all employees to be a safety participant.”


Brian Bolinger | Vice President, Environment Health & Safety | Depot Connect International