Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Are Zoom Meetings Adding To Distractions Behind The Wheel?

The Covid-19 Pandemic has changed nearly everyone’s life in one way or another, especially the way we conduct work. For many, this change came in the way we work, specifically learning how to work remotely. With the need to hold “face to face” conversations, millions of us have adapted to video conferencing, fueling the rise of platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Zoom meetings have essentially replaced the conference room and while there are certainly benefits, recent studies show they can also be dangerous, especially on the road.
That’s right, too much Zoom can impact our safety while driving.
In an article published by NBC News, we learned that 54% of drivers admit to a lack of focus behind the wheel after Zoom calls, not actively participating in them while driving. To make things worse, these distracted drivers come in all ages.
“The younger the driver, the worse the problem. For Gen-Z motorists, 65 percent reported losing focus while driving, while it was 61 percent for millennials and 48% for Gen Xers.”
This is alarming to say the least, especially given the fact that younger motorists are already the most at-risk behind the wheel, accounting for over 25% of distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes, according to The CDC .
So often we only associate “Distracted Driving” with the physical distractions that occur while we’re in the car; texting while driving, eating, changing the radio, etc. This study sheds an important light on the fact that distractions come in a variety of forms. It’s important that we all understand this in order to keep ourselves and others safer on the road.
If you have questions on Distracted Driving or need assistance with workplace safety, please don’t hesitate to contact us.