The USDOT finally has a proposed CSA rule on the table that would finalize its multi-year overhaul of the commercial truck and bus enforcement program and companies are urged to scrutinize the plan and ensure they understand how, in the future, their performance on the road will be measured.
The truck and bus industries should expect a major new regulatory proposal this year to bolster the CSA enforcement by establishing a new way to assign official safety ratings to companies based on CSA safety performance.
On the horizon is another vital reason for motor carriers to get their safety performance “house in order.” Coming later this year as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by DOT is the next “leg” on the CSA stool. This rule …
Since DOT replaced its old motor carrier safety fitness high risk identification system—SAFESTAT—with the new Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) measurement project, more and more motor carriers are paying attention to its effects. For many months preceding and following CSA’s official …
In 2013, you can be assured that the continuing effects of the two-year-old Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program on the trucking industry and commercial drivers will remain high on both the government and industry list of issues demanding attention. Data …
It’s become increasingly clear that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will make some movement soon on the issue of sleep disorders and the trucking industry. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are an important safety issue because they can …
While there may be a number of potential divisions between the government and the trucking industry, few seem as difficult as the reporting of crash history. Those divisions are playing out as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration considers changes …
While there may be a number of potential divisions between federal transportation regulators and the trucking industry, few seem as difficult as the reporting of crash history, writes Rose McMurray, Chief Transportation Advisor to FDRsafety. Read the full article.
In recent weeks, the truck and bus industries have been vocal in criticizing the USDOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) slowness in reacting to, and adjusting, its 17-month-old Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program which uses safety performance data to …
It’s been one year since the Department of Transportation launched its CSA program to better monitor fleet safety and indicators of success have begun to emerge, although not everyone agrees that they are dramatic. DOT reports that, in the first …