People all over the country use ladders for all sorts of activities. There are ladders that get you 2 feet off the ground and those that help you reach 200 feet. Whether you’re a fireman rescuing someone from a burning …
Working around energized equipment can be very hazardous, it is good to know these helpful tips to prevent yourself from becoming the path to ground electricity is always searching for. Overhead lines: On your own time, if you are going …
As illustrated by the Cooper Tire & Rubber case, OSHA has used the General Duty Clause in a way never originally intended.
In this article, attorney Marc K. Shaye explores the legal issues that occur when a supervisor is alleged to have committed a violation of a safety standard and whether knowledge can then be imputed to the employer.
In this article on the OH&S website, FDRsafety President Jim Stanley discusses how the concept of guilty until proven innocent has been distorted by OSHA. Read the full article.
In this article on the OH&S website, FDRsafety President Jim Stanley discusses how the concept of guilty until proven innocent has been distorted by OSHA. Read the full article.
In this interview published on the National Safety Council website, Rose McMurrary, Chief Transportation Advisor for FDRsafety says much has changed in safety in recent decades. Workplace injuries and deaths used to be considered an unfortunate byproduct of a robust economy and steady national growth; today, there is much broader citizen support for setting limits and standards for worker safety. Read the full interview.
President Barack Obama has been sworn in for a second term. Now comes the hard part: another 4 years of governing. In this article, FDRsafety President Jim Stanley suggests that a second term agenda include addressing outdated OSHA standards. Read the full article.
In this article, Molly O’Brien of FDRsafety describes the changes that a new OSHA standard has brought to the regulation of cranes and derricks. Read the full article.