The following is the transcript from an interview with Fred Rine, FDRsafety CEO. I’m often asked, “what makes for a successful safety program?” And I’m going back through my career and is has to start at the top – in …
This article is apart of our “Tools For Building a Foundation in Safety” series by Luke Contos. We highly recommend reading Part 1, which can be found here. Part 2. Second, as soon as practical, begin the training and implementation …
This blog utilizes research and data from a range of professional safety journals (i.e., Professional Safety) and research reports, and blends it with economic realities and common company leadership expectations. It is written as a series for those who are …
FDRsafety fully supports October as Distracted Driving Awareness month and is invested in creating safer roadways across the world. For a list of outstanding resources on the subject, please visit the National Safety Council’s website. There once was a time …
The OSH Review Commission issued an employer-friendly machine guarding case decision that is important for employers. The unanimous decision in Aerospace Testing Alliance (Docket No. 16-1167, 2020) reversed a Review Commission Judge and vacated a citation under 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1) …
The Challenges Employees Face You are welding on the construction site and the work is rarely (actually, almost never) on a bench with ventilation. The welds must be made at working surface level, in tight spaces and in body positions …
In recent months, we at FDRsafety have been surprised at the number of cases involving injuries resulting from falling objects. While accidents are an unfortunate reality in industry, some involved trained workers being in the line of fire. Examples include: …
The following was prepared by the Sherman & Howard LLC law firm, Part I: Selecting a Company Representative The most important step to take before an OSHA inspection even takes place is selecting a company representative. The company representative is …
OSHA National Emphasis Program Amputations Prevention Effective 12/10/2019 OSHA Intent: The purpose is to target organizations with machinery or equipment that cause or are capable of causing amputations, and organizations where amputations have occurred. This National Emphasis Program – (NEP) …
Staffing construction projects is a hectic job regardless of the scenario. Staffing safety professionals can be even more difficult We have a unique process to ease the pain of staffing safety positions for our clients. Our Manager of Field Services, …