Most of us take voluntary safety standards for granted. As I look at my computer’s AC adapter, I see more than 20 symbols. As a consumer, I know that the manufacturer is declaring that the device conforms to numerous global, …
Are you satisfied with the current state of your safety program? Have training, audits and attempts to change behavior not yielded the long-term results you desire? Do you feel like the safety department is carrying most of the load? Are …
Is it really possible to have a workplace where no injuries occur? Emmitt Nelson, a pioneer of the zero-accident approach, believes so. Nelson, who chaired the first Construction Industry Institute task force that researched contractors with few or no injuries, …
Many organizations claim that safety is the responsibility of everyone. However, if Manufacturing calls the Safety Department when there is an obvious hazard and corresponding correction, the words don’t matter. Your organizational culture is probably “Safety is responsible for safety.” …
I just finished reading an excellent book…. “Out of another @#&*% Crisis – Motivation through Humiliation” (available at ASQ and Amazon) grades US business on how well they stack up against Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s principles. Deming’s 1982 book, ‘Out …
If you read my first two blog posts about 5S, you should have a better understanding of the “what” and “why” of 5S. This blog will help you understand the “how.” A detailed checklist is helpful to assure that cleaning …
Have you ever walked through a manufacturing, transportation or service organization that seems well organized and wondered why the offices seem cluttered and disorganized? It could be several reasons: Management does not understand that “lean and safe” applies to office …
Good housekeeping has historically been a foundation for occupational safety. 5S, a process used in lean manufacturing, offers even greater benefit to create not only a clean workplace, but also one that improves both efficiency and safety at the same …
Safety and sustainability are really about the same thing – conserving resources with respect for people and environment as core values. In the case of safety, it’s about conserving human resources. A group has just formed on LinkedIn to discuss …
Sustainability is a board level issue in most companies. It is a complex strategic challenge that balances social, economic and ecological issues for sustainable growth of the organization. In its simplest form, sustainability can be remembered as “People, Profit and …