A place to learn more about connections between safety, ‘lean’ and sustainability
When you get right down to it, safety, “lean” processes and sustainability are all about the same thing: eliminating waste. In the case of safety, it’s about eliminating the waste of human resources through accident or illness; the other two are about conserving financial or natural resources.
At FDRsafety, we believe that thinking around these three ideas will continue to converge. That is why we have established a section on our website called “Safe, Lean, Sustainable.”
In that section, we have created a resource center where you’ll find articles about the relationship between these three concepts as well as some practical ideas about putting them into place. The main driver behind the section is FDRsafety’s Senior Advisor, Mike Taubitz. Mike, who is former Global Director of Safety for GM, has done lots of thinking and writing about how these ideas connect.
We invite you to take a look at the section and also to check out a new LinkedIn group called SHE, Sustainability and Lean, where people interested in this topic can gather and share ideas.