5 Tips For Hiring Great Temporary Safety Professionals
In the world of Safety there are differing views on utilizing consulting companies to fill temporary positions. Many feel that they are quite helpful thanks to their vast network of professionals while others have been disappointed in the quality of the employee they receive. When it comes to filling Temporary Safety positions, hiring managers simply can’t risk hiring an under qualified candidate. Here are a few tips towards getting the most out of a company and hiring great Temporary Safety Professionals.
Experience Required
This should go without being said but it is imperative to work with companies that actively look for qualified candidates who are highly experienced and trained. The reward of saving money on a less qualified employee is not worth the risk.
Emergency Coverage
The company should be able to provide emergency coverage for their candidates, such as if the candidate has a death in the family or similar scenarios. The agency should be able to provide a replacement or temporary fill-in in less the 48 hours.
Full-Time Temporary Workers
Find a company that supplies W2 full-time employees. These employees will generally be more experienced and bring better work ethics and values due to the fact that they are actual employees of the company rather than independent contractors. We also recommend staffing agencies that provide health insurance, benefits, continuing education, and 401k’s to employees.
Continuing Safety
The company should be able to provide other expert safety services to your business. Some of these could safety training, Industrial Hygiene assessments & monitoring, expert witness, and expertise with OSHA compliance support. Finding a staffing service so heavily invested in safety often results in temporary employees who are equally invested.
Safety People Know Safety People
The company should be comprised of upper management safety professionals managing a staff of safety professionals. For example, at FDRsafety all of our upper management are seasoned safety professionals that hold CSP’s and CHST’s. If a problem arises in the field, we are able to quickly provide technical knowledge and support to our employees. We’ll even periodically visit sites to provide extra support to our client.
FDRsafety provides full service safety staffing for a wide variety of industries and workplaces. Our industry leading placement service will quickly and seamlessly fill your need for an on-site safety professional. For a FREE consultation, please contact Jake Snyder, Vice President at FDRsafety.